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3 Exercises to Prevent Osteoporosis

3 Exercises to Prevent Osteoporosis

3 Best Exercises to Prevent Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a common condition that causes bones to become thin and porous, decreasing bone strength and leading to an increased risk of fracture. It can...

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Rotator Cuff Injuries 101

Rotator Cuff Injuries 101

Do you have shoulder pain? Have been told that you or a family member has a rotator cuff injury, but you are not sure what that means? If this is you, this post is for you as we will cover: Where is...

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What Is Trismus? How is it treated?

What Is Trismus? How is it treated?

At North 49 we recently saw a patient referred to the clinic with the diagnosis of trismus. Unfortunately, she had been living with it since having a tooth removed over a year prior. To make matters...

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What is vertigo, and how is it treated?

What is vertigo, and how is it treated?

It comes out of nowhere. The earth around you seems to tilt and sway and you feel like you might fall. Your stomach lurches. The lyrics from the the 1969 hit song by Tommy Roe aptly describe your...

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