General FAQ

Q – Do I need to get a Doctor’s referral to receive treatment at North 49 Physical Therapy?

A – Physical therapy is a direct access health care service. Therefore a doctor’s referral is not required to access care. Some insurance providers may require a doctor’s referral before providing coverage. Consult your insurance provider to understand what is required by your plan.

Q – Is treatment covered by Saskatchewan Health Insurance?

A -We are not covered by Sask Health

Q – Can you direct bill my insurance company?

A – If you sustained a work or automobile accident in Saskatchewan we can direct bill WCB or SGI. We can also direct bill group plans through Blue Cross.

Q – Do you treat WCB and SGI Injuries?

A – Yes. We treat work related (WCB) and motor vehicle (SGI) injuries. We direct bill WCB and SGI.


Phone: 306-343-7776
Fax: 306-343-7780
Monday to Friday: 9am-6pm

Locally Owned & Operated